

Kata a Japanese word means “Form.” Kata’s are choreographed training exercises Martial Artists use to form muscle memory of certain movements. If you join the Goshin Jutsu system you will learn many of our Kata’s and techniques. 


Similar to Kata, weapon forms utilize the choreographed movements but with weapons such as the bow, kamas, ne-tanbo, sword, sai, etc.


As old as the ancient arts itself, sparring is a type of combat with specific rules.  Punches and kicks to the head/chest/abdominal region score you points. The first person to get to three points wins.

Self Defense

Goshin Jutsu Karate offers basic and advanced self defense for close-quarters hand-to-hand, and weapons combat. We use a three point system of joint locks (shoulder, elbow, and wrist) to neutralize an attacker.

Youth Classes

Learning the Martial Arts builds up confidence and self-esteem.  It is also a great form of exercise. It builds up the mind and body and works well when used in combination with other sports. We have over 35 years of experience working with children.

All participants will learn Japanese terminology, including counting and receive a Terminology sheet to study from.

Youth classes are on Wednesdays at 6pm and Saturdays at 10:30am at the home dojo: 1724 Clarion Drive, Williamsport

Want to learn more or have questions?  Please call 570-323-6828.